Cátedra de Imagen y Proyección Regional.

Team of Researchers

Jesús Collado Agudo

Team of Researchers | This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it | www.inteligenciademarketing.net

Bachelor of Business Administration (1998) and PhD from the University of Cantabria (2004). PhD with distinction from the University of Cantabria 2007.

His main lines of research are linked to business relationships in distribution channels, implementation of relational marketing to exchanges between companies and the final consumer, and development of loyalty programs. His scientific publications related to business management and marketing in renowned international and national journals are notable. Additionally his participation in the elaboration of several research books and participation in more than 20 conferences, both nationally and internationally is also noteworthy.

In the field of research, he has participated in numerous research projects and research contracts with public and private entities, both as collaborative researcher and as principal researcher.

Professor of Marketing and Market Research he has provided teaching in different degrees, including courses in first and second cycle degrees, Ph.D., graduate studies and numerous official courses. Similarly, he has also led Master's final projects and has participated in the development of educational innovation projects. To perform adequately the teaching activities previously commented, he has participated in numerous courses and specialized seminars.

Alongside his university activities, Collado has been holding the position of Director-General of Cantabria Commerce Foundation since October 2009.

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Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences / Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales

  • Avenida de los Castros s/n
    39005 Santander (Cantabria, Spain)
  • Tel: +34 942 20 39 08
  • Fax: +34 942 20 18 90
  • Email: cimagenregional@unican.es