Cátedra de Imagen y Proyección Regional.

Training and dissemination

In the field of training and dissemination, the Chair on Regional Branding will organize courses and seminars aimed at training professionals in the field of territory projection and will publish articles to disseminate the importance of having a well positioned region brand. Specifically, the following activities are included:

  • Organisation of courses and seminars focused on training professionals, directors and public and private operators responsible for regional dissemination aimed at attracting investors and talent (input focus) and the internationalization of business (output focus).
  • Publication of articles in the press in order to publicize the work of the Chair, as well as to convey the importance of international region projection as well as the importance of building a brand image for social and economic development.
  • Website of the Chair in which the activities carried out are made known. Additionally, on this virtual platform, materials and documentation related to the international projection of the regions and the creation of territory branding will be made available.



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Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences / Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales

  • Avenida de los Castros s/n
    39005 Santander (Cantabria, Spain)
  • Tel: +34 942 20 39 08
  • Fax: +34 942 20 18 90
  • Email: cimagenregional@unican.es