Cátedra de Imagen y Proyección Regional.

Consultancy and advice

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In the field of consultancy and advice, the Chair on Regional Branding will carry out research projects on image and international projection of the regions from the dual aspect input / output and will offer advice on this matter. Specifically, the following activities are included:

  • Conducting research projects and consultancy in regards to image and international projection of the regions in order to promote the attraction of investment and talent. These projects aim primarily to build a territory brand and to carry out marketing planning which favours the establishment of business in the region as well as attracting people with high added value for its economic development.
  • Conducting research projects and consultancy in regards to image and international projection of the regions in order to promote business activity abroad, whether general or sectoral. These projects aim primarily to build a territory brand and to carry out marketing planning which favours the internationalization of business framework as well as company and product acceptance in foreign markets.
  • Professional advice to public administrations, business groups and associations and individual companies.

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Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences / Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales

  • Avenida de los Castros s/n
    39005 Santander (Cantabria, Spain)
  • Tel: +34 942 20 39 08
  • Fax: +34 942 20 18 90
  • Email: cimagenregional@unican.es