Cátedra de Imagen y Proyección Regional.


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In the field of research, the Chair on Regional Branding will develop and encourage scientific research, applied and aimed at understanding the phenomenon of territory brand, the analysis of its impact on awareness of investment and talent and on the strengthen internationalization of businesses in a region and the identification of the most efficient strategic and operational decisions in this area. Specifically, the following activities are included:

  • Development of research excellence in areas related to the purpose of the Chair, prioritizing those which bring new and original solutions in regards to the image and international projection of the region of Cantabria.
  • Holding seminars and scientific meetings on image and international projection of the regions and territory brand. Such events aim to encourage academic debate on this matter with the intention to bring about an exchange of ideas that result in important contributions to regional development in a globalized context.
  • Direction of doctoral theses on international projection of the regions and territory brand.
  • Publication of specific articles on the subject of the Chair by its members in journals of international prestige.
  • Presentation of papers and communications in forums where issues related to the subject of the Chair are discussed by professors and researchers attached to it.
  • Organization of awards for research regarding international projection of regions and territory brand.
  • Organization of grants for research regarding international projection of the regions and territory brand.

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Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences / Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales

  • Avenida de los Castros s/n
    39005 Santander (Cantabria, Spain)
  • Tel: +34 942 20 39 08
  • Fax: +34 942 20 18 90
  • Email: cimagenregional@unican.es